====== Postgres ====== ===== Dump database from the command line ===== pg_dump --user=my-user --password my-db ''pg_dump'' will prompt for a password. If you don't want it to prompt for a password, you need to create a file called ''.pgpass'' with the following format: hostname:port:database:username:password and then ''chmod'' it to 600: chmod 600 ~/.pgpass ==== Docker example ==== After creating the ''.pgpass'' file on the container home using ''docker exec'' or a volume mount: docker exec my_db_container pg_dump --user=postgres my-db >> my-db-backup.sql ===== Run SQL files on docker creation ===== Useful for first time database creations. Using the ''postgres'' docker, run the following config: docker run --name my-postgres \ -p 5432:5432 \ -v my/sql/files/location:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \ -e POSTGRES_DB=app \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \ postgres Be sure the ''POSTGRES_DB'', ''POSTGRES_PASSWORD'' and ''POSTGRES_USER'' match the .sql script